NOTE: Behavior reports are available with some Bloomz for Schools Premium subscriptions (not Teacher Premium). If you would like to inquire about whether behavior reports are available with your subscription or to ask our team about a Bloomz Premium for Schools subscription, email [email protected].
Administrators will be able to view a Behavior Report by Awards to observe the awards that are given across a community or set of classes/groups. This can be helpful for administrators and behavior coordinators to analyze the frequent behaviors that are tracked across the community and/or a set of classes.
NOTE: The reporting dashboard is only available to view on the desktop version of Bloomz.
- Click the community on the left navigation panel. Make sure you are on the feed and select the Reports tab.
- Click Behavior tab to view the Behavior Reporting Dashboard.
- Click Awards in the top right-hand corner.
- Click on Filter by Groups.
- Click Select All in the top left corner to view the entire community, or click the circle next to the classroom(s)/group(s) you would like to view.
- Click Done in the top right hand corner when complete.
- Click on Filter by Awards. This will filter the awards and behaviors given across the selected groups/classrooms.
- Click Select All in the top left corner to view all of the awards given or click the circle next to the award you would like to view.
- Click Done in the top right hand corner when complete.
- Click on Filter by Date to sort by week, month, all time, or a custom date range.
You can view this data in two ways- Graph View and List View.
- The Graph View is the default view. This graph will visualize the change over time.
- You can click on the Metric and Unit on the graphs to edit this view.
- Metric: Choose to display the graph based on either the Awards or Positivity .
- Awards show the total number of awards students earned
- Positivity is a percentage that shows the number of Good Job vs Needs Work awarded to the students.
- Unit: Choose to show the data on a daily, weekly, or monthly trend line.
- Metric: Choose to display the graph based on either the Awards or Positivity .
- Below the graph, click on groups and/or awards to compare data across community or groups.
Click on the three lines icon to to see data in the List View.
- The detail to the Group(s) or Awards given across the selection can be see in detail by clicking to expand the lists.
- Under the Awards category, the columns can be sorted by clicking the up/down arrows.
- Click on an award to view more detail about the students who were tracked and the reporting staff member. Use the up/down arrows to sort.
Additional Resources:
- Behavior Reports (PBIS & School-wide Behavior Programs)
- Administrator - Viewing Behavior Reports by Staff
- Administrator - Viewing Behavior Reports by Students
- Administrator - How do I set award types for the entire school?