An Administrator has the ability to turn on/off several tools and communication options at the school level in Bloomz.

In the school settings, Administrators can enable/disable health checks, robocalls, parent-parent communication, and a few other details.


Enabeling Robocalling allows Schools to Deliver Audio Messages to Parents. Robocalling is only available to Schools or Districts under a Premium subscription with Robocalling. 

Learn more about Robocall:

Health Checks

Enabling health checks allows the Administrator to request health checks, view health check data for students, and submit health check data for members of the school.

Learn more about Health Checks: 

Student Assignments

Enabling the Assignments and Activities feature allows teachers to create activities using interactive templates, assign activities to students, and share and browse school and community libraries.

Learn more about Student Assignments:


Behavior is enabled upon premium purchase and discussion with your Bloomz Representative.  Enabeling Behavior will allow teachers to track behavior and send reports to parents, give awards to students, set class goals, monitor student behavior, and set student goals.

Learn more about Behavior:

Parent-Parent Communication

Enabling parent-parent communication will allow parents in Bloomz to communicate with each other to coordinate play dates, study times, and more. Learn more: Parent To Parent Communication Controls