This guide walks you through the V1 format (please also evaluate V2 format) options for manual as well as SFTP import.


  1. V1 file formats

Please review the 2 file formats below and details around the specific fields.

  1. Student and Parents file format

Student Information: If you do not need to import and associate student information with parents, you can skip these student fields all together and directly include parents data only.

student_name* (Or) student_firstname*  (and) student_lastname: Mandatory field/columns

student_id: Mandatory field. It is a Bloomz system-generated ID value. Use this column when we want to update existing student details


student_sis_id*: Mandatory field. this value is provided by appropriate school/district management. You can use it to add or update the student details.

student_grade* Mandatory field

student_email [optional]

student_phone [optional]    

student_language [optional](download a list of languages from Bloomz admin panel)

student_dob:  [optional]    

Parents Information: If you do not need to import and associate parents information with parents, you can skip these student fields all together and directly include parents data only.

Parent1 Details:

parent1_name (or) parent1_firstname and parent1_lastname :   [optional]    

parent1_email* : 


parent1_phone*: either the email field or the phone number field is mandatory. 

parent1_phone2:   [optional]        

parent1_language:   [optional] (download a list of languages from Bloomz admin panel)    

Parent2 Details:

parent2_name (or) parent2_firstname and parent2_lastname :  not Mandatory        

parent2_email: either the email field or the phone number field is mandatory.     


parent2_phone: either the email field or the phone number field is mandatory.     

parent2_phone2:   [optional]    

parent2_language: [optional] (download a list of languages from Bloomz admin panel)

School Information: these fields can be optional if the data does not need to be linked to specific schools. If they are provided to link the data to specific schools, then both are required.    

school_name*: Mandatory field

school_id*   : Bloomz assigned ID 


school_sis_id*: District or School assigned ID (either is Mandatory)

Group Information: These represent subgroups such as Classes, Sports teams, etc. These fields can be optional. If they are provided, both are required.     

group_nameMandatory field



group_sis_id Mandatory field

group_type: If type is not mentioned, default is set to “Class” (download a list of group types from Bloomz admin panel)

  1. Staff and Groups file format

Staff Information:



staff_firstname and staff_lastname    :  not Mandatory


staff_phoneeither the email field or phone number field is mandatory.     

staff_secondary_email :


staff_title: optional, for example, Principal, Secretary, etc.,

staff_roleRoles like Teacher, Administrator, School Office Staff, School Admin, District Admin, Parent, and other list roles Bloomz provided. You can download the list of roles from the screen.

staff_language: optional. It is defaulted to English. 

School Information:    

school_name*: Mandatory field



school_sis_id*: Mandatory field

Group Information:

group_nameMandatory field



group_sis_id Mandatory field

group_type: optional. If group_type is not mentioned, by default it will consider the “Class” type.

Using Group ID from Bloomz -

Downloading the V1 CSV Templates

  1. Go to District/School from the Left Navigation

Screen 1

  1. Go to the Manage tab

Screen 2

  1. Go to the Parents tab > Click on +Parents

Screen 3

  1. Choose the “Bulk Import” Option (Screen 1 to Screen 4)

Screen 4


  1. Open District/School > Open Settings >” Edit Settings” option

Screen 5

Screen 6

  1. Go to “Bulk Import” Section

Screen 7

  1. Click on the “Bulk CSV Import” option.

Screen 8

  1. You can find a list of options for import flows.

  2. Choose Parent/Student upload or Teacher/Staff upload

Screen 9

  1. Choose the “Click to download Bulk Import template” option to download the appropriate template.

Screen 10

  1. You can find a list of columns/fields bloomz provides. Select according to your requirements and download the template

Screen 11

  1. Click on the Done button after downloading the template.

Screen 12

3. Uploading V1 CSV files manually

Once you download the file, fill the file with details and the uploading CSV takes a list of steps

  1. Open the Downloaded template

Screen 1

  1. Fill the CSV file with details 

Screen 2

  1. Now, Open the “Bulk Import” Screen again. Click on “Upload your spreadsheet”

Screen 3

  1. In the Invite Parents / Invite Staff screen. You can add the personal Invitation message and send the invitation.

Screen 4

  1. After sending the invitation, you can see the uploaded document status, you can find whether the uploaded document is successful or has any error in the file.

Screen 5

Check the Import Options and select the ones appropriate for your use such as  -

  1. Full Data - When this option is enabled, if a user in Bloomz database is not present in the uploaded CSV file, they are removed from the relevant class. 

    • Note: This option should only be used during the rollover scenario or to cleanup prior imported data. This action cannot be undone.

  2. Archive - If this option is enabled, if a class existent in Bloomz is not present in the CSV file, the classes will be automatically archived; otherwise, the classes will remain active. Classes that have been archived can be revived at a later date.

    • Note: This option can only be used along with FILL DATA setting above, during the rollover scenario or to cleanup prior imported data. This action cannot be undone.

  3. Ignore Errors and Continue Processing -If this option is enabled, the server will choose to overlook the problems and continue parsing the CSV file, reporting the errors at the conclusion of processing; otherwise, it will stop processing the file and request reuploading.

    • Note: This option should only be used when the data is validated enough and that the rows with remaining errors in the file can be skipped.

  1. You can see the parents and student or staff 

Screen 6

Screen 7

4. Uploading V1 CSV files via SFTP Import:

You can upload these CSV files to your community/District/School’s SFTP location. 

For SFTP connection details are available on the Settings page

  1. Each district and school has an SFTP option

  2. You must contact our Bloomz service team to enable it for your District/ School.

  3. Once it is enabled from the Bloomz admin side, SFTP details will be open for schools and districts

For SFTP Import we have to follow 2 steps

  1. Getting SFTP Connection Details

  2. Setting up SFTP Connection

  3. Uploading Files to SFTP Location

  4. Running the Import/ Scheduling the Import

a. Getting SFTP Connection Details:-

  1. Open the Bloomz application.

  2. Go to the District/ School where you want to set up SFTP Connection

Screen 1

  1. Go to Settings 

Screen 2

  1. Open to “Edit Settings” option

Screen 3

  1. Go to “Bulk Import” section

Screen 4

  1. You can find SFTP Import/ Advanced Bulk Import options. If they are not in active please contact bloomz service team.

Screen 5

  1. After it gets active, expand “SFTP Import” option

Screen 6

  1. You can find the required information for SFTP Setup

Screen 7

b. Setting up SFTP Connection:-

FileZilla connection

1. You need the Filezila application on your machine

2. Install it -

3. Open the app

Screen 1

4. Open New Connection

Screen 2

5. Create “New Site”

Screen 3

6. You can rename the Site name.

Screen 4

7. Select the “Protocol” option to “SFTP”

Screen 5

8. Get the HostName from SFTP details provided in District > Settings > Bulk Import Section

Screen 6

  1. Paste the “SFTP Location using key” to the “User” field in FileZilla.

Screen 7

  1. Get the “SFTP Username” from the  SFTP Import details screen.

Screen 8

  1. Paste the Copied Host value to “User” filed

Screen 9

  1. Get the Password/ Password using the key by downloading the Private key.

Screen 10

  1. Select “Login type” to “Key file” in FileZilla

Screen 11

  1. Browse the downloaded key file using the “Browse..” value

Screen 12

Screen 13

14. Click on the  “Connect” button to establish the SFTP Connection

Screen 14

  1. Click on “OK” to complete the setup.

Screen 15

  1. After the successful completion of the SFTP Connection setup. You can see a list of folders in the District’s/School’s SFTP location as shown below.

1. BulkImport V1

2. BulkImport V2

3. AutoNotification

Screen 16

c. Uploading V1 Files to SFTP Location: 

After the successful establishment of the District’s/ School’s SFTP connection, 

  1. you have to open the “Bulkimport-v1” folder.

Screen 1

  1. Upload the files to “BulkImport-v1” folder

Screen 2

  1. Browse the file from your computer.

Screen 3

  1. Upload files to “BulkImport-v1” SFTP location

Screen 4

d. Running the Import/ Scheduling the Import

  1. Open the Bloomz application, District/School settings page > “Bulk Import” section

  2. Open “SFTP Import” and click on “Import” or “Schedule the Import”

Screen 1

  1. There is another option to schedule our import process by clicking on the “Scheduled import from SFTP” toggle button.

Screen 2

  1. You can select “Invite from” to choose a school administrator or his equivalent role to send invitations on your behalf. and the “Notify to” option sends the import status to the list of roles in the school.

Screen 3

  1. Click on the “Import Now” button

Screen 4

  1. On Clicking “Import Now” a dialogue will be displayed. Turn On/OFF those options as per your requirement.

Screen 5

  1. On clicking on “Save”, the import action starts

Screen 6

  1. The “Import Now” button will be disabled state until the import is complete

Screen 7

  1. You can check the Import status by clicking the “Last Import Status” option.

Screen 8

  1. After setting up the SFTP Import, you can dismiss from this screen by clicking on “Save”

Screen 9

Screen 10

Additional Scenarios for Data Import

1. I have already imported at the district level but want to associate students and parents at the school or class level. How do I prepare the data for upload?

2. I already have parent contact information with phone numbers but I need to add emails to those accounts. How do I do this?

3. I have imported students using Clever or other sources but need to import parents using CSV and these parents should be attached to all classes. How do I do that using CSV? 

4. I have imported students manually in the past but I want to bulk add SIS IDs. How can I achieve this?

5. If I just want to import only parents with no students, how do I prepare my file?

6. Can I create classes or groups using the import? How do I do that?

7. How do I update Staff data with phone numbers if my staff was already imported using Clever?