How to access FEATURES, and utilize their functions. (School Level Edition)

How to access features from your device: 

  1. Select your school which is located on the left navigation panel.

  1. Click on the “settings” tool (the cogwheel icon).

  2. Select “Edit Settings” 

  1. Select  “Features”, located between “General” and “Permissions” at the top of the page.

  1. You will be provided with a page that includes all features available to you (aligned to your subscription contract). Within this page, you will have the ability to turn features off and on to support your desired outcomes. 

How to utilize the function of each feature, and the purpose 

each function serves

Alerts:  (if turned on, this feature will be available at the class level. If turned off, this feature will not be available at the class level.) (toggle the green switch within your account to change feature settings).

Keep your school community connected and informed with Alerts. This powerful feature ensures that your school community will never miss a crucial update. Whether it's an emergency notification, important announcement, or a simple reminder, Alerts deliver timely messages directly to the recipient's phone or email.  (Alerts override users notification preferences.)

Auto Notices: (toggle the green switch within your account to change feature settings).

 Auto Notices is a powerful tool for schools to enhance communication with parents across the entire campus. This feature automates the process of sending notifications, keeping parents informed about school-wide updates, events, and activities effortlessly. By eliminating the need for manual intervention, school leaders can dedicate more time to their campus while ensuring parents stay well-informed and engaged in their child's education journey.

Coordination (Calendar, Volunteers, Conferences): (if turned on, this feature will be available at the class level. If turned off, this feature will not be available at the class level.) (toggle the green switch within your account to change feature settings).

Bloomz Coordination tools streamline event management and volunteer efforts. The Calendar keeps everyone updated on important dates, while volunteer management features simplify task assignments and reminders. Organize conferences with ease using scheduling and communication tools. Perfect for schools, clubs, and community groups, Bloomz keeps your team aligned and engaged. 

Email Stationery: (toggle the green switch within your account to change feature settings).

Transform your school’s communications with personalized stationary on Bloomz! Tailored specifically for campus leaders, and administrators, our platform allows you to create stationery that incorporates your school's unique graphics and information. From your school logo to custom colors and themed graphics that reflect your unique identity, each template is crafted to elevate your emails and notifications with a professional and cohesive look. Strengthen your connection with parents and stakeholders with every message. 

Health Check: (if turned on, this feature will be available at the class level. If turned off, this feature will not be available at the class level.) (toggle the green switch within your account to change feature settings).

Health Check streamlines daily health monitoring, allowing schools and parents to track student health metrics effortlessly. This feature helps identify potential issues early, supports timely interventions, and fosters a safe school environment, prioritizing every child's well-being and promoting holistic education.

Masquerade: (toggle the green switch within your account to change feature settings).

This innovative feature allows school-level administrators to seamlessly log into a teacher's account to provide personalized support, troubleshoot issues, and ensure compliance with school policies. Whether it's guiding teachers on effective usage, investigating concerns, or testing new features, the Masquerade feature empowers you to enhance collaboration and streamline operations. 

Messaging (if turned on, this feature will be available at the class level. If turned off, this feature will not be available at the class level.) (toggle the green switch within your account to change feature settings).

Messaging is a powerful communication tool designed to connect administrators and parents seamlessly. With instant messaging, group chats, and announcement capabilities, Bloomz ensures everyone stays informed and engaged. Administrators can send updates, and coordinate events effortlessly, while parents can ask questions and stay connected to the campus. The secure, user-friendly interface promotes a collaborative environment, making it easier than ever to build a supportive educational community. 

Post and Announcements: (toggle the green switch within your account to change feature settings).

Posts and Announcements feature empowers school leaders to keep parents and students informed and engaged efficiently. You can share updates, campus news, and event reminders instantly, ensuring everyone stays informed. This feature fosters a connected campus environment, keeping parents in the loop and supporting students both in and out of class. Bloomz helps leaders enhance communication and build a strong community effortlessly.  

PBIS: (toggle the green switch within your account to change feature settings).

Our platform seamlessly integrates PBIS to cultivate a positive school environment and empower students. Utilize Bloomz to implement PBIS strategies, effortlessly collect and analyze behavior data, and reinforce positive actions in real-time. Educators can track student behavior trends, identify areas for improvement, and strengthen their school community through data-driven insights. 

Student Assignments: (if turned on, this feature will be available at the class level. If turned off, this feature will not be available at the class level.) (toggle the green switch within your account to change feature settings).

With Student Assignments, teachers can streamline their classroom management and enhance student engagement effortlessly. Easily create, distribute, and manage assignments, ensuring clarity and transparency for students and parents alike. Provide timely feedback, track student progress, and foster collaboration in a secure and intuitive environment. Bloomz makes it simple to customize assignments, integrate multimedia, and encourage active learning. 

VoiceCall: (toggle the green switch within your account to change feature settings).

 Effortlessly keep everyone in the loop with Bloomz's powerful voice call feature! Using automated voice calls you can quickly and efficiently reach all stakeholders at once to announce upcoming events and share crucial information. Whether it's reminders, announcements, or emergency notifications, Bloomz ensures that your message is delivered promptly and clearly to every member of your community, fostering seamless communication and engagement.

Non-registered users can view full content via SMS: (toggle the green switch within your account to change feature settings).

With Bloomz, non-registered users can now view full content via SMS! This new feature ensures that everyone stays informed and connected, even without a Bloomz account. Parents and guardians who haven't registered can receive complete messages directly to their phones, making communication seamless and inclusive. Parents will stay updated effortlessly with Bloomz's enhanced SMS functionality.