Bloomz supports having more than one teacher in the classroom. Invite your co-teachers to your class by following these quick and simple steps:

  1. Tap on Menu icon at the top left corner
  2. The left navigation tray opens up
  3. Click Add Members at the bottom
  4. Click the name of the Class in the Add to Which Group? screen
  5. Click the Teacher role in For Which Role? screen
  6. Select Type emails or phone numbers in the How to Invite? screen
  7. Enter or copy paste the emails of other teachers in the To: field
  8. Click Send
Note: The Co-Teacher will get an invite to join your class. If she has not set up her account on Bloomz yet, she will need to do that by clicking the red button in the email invite she got from you. If she is already on the Bloomz app, she will see the invite in the bell icon on the top right of the app. Accepting the invite will make her part of the class. Once the Co-teacher joins your class on Bloomz, she will have the same privileges in the class as you do.