Do you need to assign the slots to parents? Bloomz offers the teacher an option to assign parents to time slots. Follow these steps to below. 

  1. Click on the Class name in the navigation tray at the left of your screen
  2. Click on Signups in the Updates tab
  3. Click on the desired Parent Teacher Conference event that you created
  4. Scroll down to see the Time Slots in the Event details screen
  5. Click Options at the right of the time slot to which you want to assign a parent
  6. From the dialog, choose the Sign up Parent option
  7. Click on the Sign Up text box
  8. Select the parent whom you want to assign the time slot from the list of parents in the class.
  9. Click on the Remind field to select a reminder for the parent. 
  10. Type a message in the Personal Note for Parent field
  11. Click Sign Up 
  12. The pop-up disappears and the Conference Details screen is refreshed. An email notification is sent to the parent regarding the Time Slot they have been assigned.