Are you looking for resources to share Bloomz with others at your school, professional development session or conference? We can help you here! If you didn't find what you're looking for, please send us an email to [email protected] and we will be happy to help you!Introduction to Bloomz
Download this customizable deck with a quick introduction to Bloomz you can use in your presentation. Bloomz for Schools
Information on Bloomz for Schools can be found here.Bloomz video
Here is our Bloomz video you can share with other teachers. You can also find this video on YouTube here: pack
Download this folder with different images and screenshots you can use for your presentation.
Need materials for your attendees?
We may be able to provide some promotional materials for your conference or workshop attendees. Please fill in the Materials Request Form
We will evaluate your request and provide materials where appropriate – Materials are provided based upon availability and are not guaranteed.
Other resources
If you are looking for other resources to get started with Bloomz or to share with your classroom parents, please go here: Teacher Resources
Professional Development and Conference Resources
Modified on: Wed, 1 Apr, 2020 at 4:27 PM
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