Integrating Clever Integration with your School in our Bloomz Application requires a series of steps.
Steps for onboarding a new Clever School onto Bloomz:
1. Prerequisite:
First, you should contact Bloomz and get your school set up and get admin access to your school community on Bloomz.
2. Prerequisite setup on the Clever side: - Important
Bloomz assumes that the Clever side data setup is done properly prior to engaging Bloomz on setting up the School account for a Clever school.
Here are the important setup requirements:
Add Bloomz to the list of applications on the clever dashboard: Unless the application is added on the Clever dashboard, the integration will not work. Use this link to view detailed instructions on how to set up a third-party application on the Clever dashboard.
Setup the data sharing permissions for Bloomz application: Once the Bloomz application has been set up, data sharing permissions have to be set up at each application level. It mainly covers what all data can be accessed by Bloomz through the Clever API interface - data entities like schools, sections, teachers, students, etc. Detailed instructions for this setup are available here.
Clever role setup: School level import is allowed only for users with admin roles on the Clever side. Bloomz side setup alone will not be sufficient. The role of the user returned by Clever API calls should return 'district_admin' or ‘school_admin’. Only when this role is set up properly on the Clever side, the school import is permitted. Information regarding the Clever roles is available here. You may have to contact the district admin of the Clever for getting these roles set up properly.
Note: Clever sends all staff members irrespective of their role via school_admin API, and so Bloomz defaults all imported staff contacts to “School Support Staff” role and you will need to upgrade the roles of specific admin users in Bloomz to “School Admin” or “School Office Staff” roles to give them more privileges.
3. Data Verification Checklist - Important
i) Sections to import:
To import only appropriate sections that facilitate effective communication on Bloomz, we recommend the following sharing rules:
Elementary Schools: Only share permissions for Homerooms and Specialist sections. If your SIS creates sections for each subject level, then use the sharing rules by sections to only allow sections with homerooms.
Middle/Highschool sections: Typically you may want to create all sections in such schools but review again to eliminate redundant sections that will add classes but have the same members again and again.
Every section with a unique name in Clever will create a separate classroom in Bloomz.
Note: Clever allows the creation of multiple sections with the same section name, however, Bloomz only imports the first class with the same section names in such cases.
We suggest you create sections with unique names (like adding a grade or adding the name of the teacher to the section name while creating sections in Clever itself OR
Rename the imported classes in the Bloomz Community Manage section and then re-run import again. Repeat this process until all sections are imported into Bloomz.
ii) Student's Contacts to import:
Please review the student's contacts to ensure the following:
Ensure that your Clever has been synced with parent/guardian contacts from SIS.Some districts may have only configured their SIS to Clever import to roster only student records. In such cases, Bloomz integration with Clever may not help beyond simply rostering classes and students. At that time, you will need to share Family Codes to allow parents to self-sign up to Bloomz to be linked to the right students.
Identify which contact types are important to import into Bloomz. Clever allows contacts to be categorized into different types (learn more here: and Bloomz allows you to select the contact types while importing. You can check this information in Clever first so that you are only inviting the relevant contacts into Bloomz.
iii) Give up to 30-mins to 1-hour before your changed Clever sharing rules to take effect:
Changing sharing permissions on Clever may not take immediate effect on the Bloomz end of the Clever tool. So, please allow some time for data to be synced OR validate the changed permissions with [email protected]before you import it into Bloomz.
Configuration Steps in Bloomz:
Log on to our Bloomz Application.
Select a School from the Left navigation menu.
Here, We have two ways to process ClassLink Bulk Import
From the school manage members tab.
From the school settings page.
> From School > Select “Manage” Section
Go to the Subsection of Manage > “Classes/Groups” section
There you can find “Clever” in-active logo. You need to contact Bloomz Service team to get it activated, if it is not already enabled for you.
After Activating the Clever Option> You can see active “Clever” logo
> From School Settings Page
Select School Settings icon
Select the “Edit Settings” Option
Choose the Bulk Import Section on the school settings page.
We can see “Clever Import” option in the list of “Bulk Import” options
Expand the Clever Import Option
To start, we need to “Click to link to Clever Account”
You will see the below screen “Clever Import”. There is “District Auth Token” field, where you have to add District Authentication Token of your Clever District.
Note: please talk to your Bloomz Customer Success contact to get this authentication token.
Fill the District Authentication Token in “District Auth Token” field.
Click on “Save” button to save the clever import settings.
After Successful authentication, you will see the list of schools in your district.
Now, We need to select the school we need to link to.
On selecting a School, it will open list of options as shown in the image below
Clever Student ID field: Some districts push their student’s ID via the Clever field of SIS ID or Student Number. Please pick the appropriate field so that your students are tagged with the right ID. When you use autonotices with these district provided IDs, this data will be critical to match.
Note: if you imported wrongly to start with, you can change and reimport to update the data again.
Do not override staff assignments: This option will ensure that any manual staff assignments in Bloomz such as adding co-teachers to classes is not removed during the nightly sync - even if that is not maintained in Clever.
Recreate classes that have been archived: You can archive classes (rather than deleting them) that are no longer needed from sync so that by default, they are not synced again during the next Clever Sync. This option will allow you to change that default behavior and force sync archived classes and activate them again.
Note: When you sync more classes than needed and you don’t want some of those synced classes anymore, please archive them rather than deleting them. Deleted classes will be resynced in the following sync.
Clever Contact Field: Clever sync from various SIS systems may be mapped to different “relationship” or “type” fields associated with the student record. This can be viewed on the Clever portal by viewing a contact record.
Note: Choosing the right field is important to ensure the proper contacts are pulled into Bloomz.
Depending on the contact field chosen, the list of possible values are presented to select from. Multiple select is allowed.
You can choose within the list of options and proceed with the import process
You can select
“Invite from” to choose a school administrator or his equivalent role to send invitations on your behalf. and the
“Notify to” option sends the import status to the list of roles in the school.
There is another option to schedule our import process by clicking on the “Scheduled import from Clever” toggle button.
Click on “Import Now”, It will pop up a dialogue where we can choose to “Full data” reset and “Archive” existing data and Select Invitation options as shown below.
Check the Import Options and select the ones appropriate for your use such as -
Full Data - When this option is enabled, if a user in Bloomz database is not present in the uploaded CSV file, they are removed from the relevant class.
Note: This option should only be used during the rollover scenario or to cleanup prior imported data. This action cannot be undone.
Archive - If this option is enabled, if a class existent in Bloomz is not present in the CSV file, the classes will be automatically archived; otherwise, the classes will remain active. Classes that have been archived can be revived at a later date.
Note: This option can only be used along with FILL DATA setting above, during the rollover scenario or to cleanup prior imported data. This action cannot be undone.
Invitation options:
Send invitations to Teachers: This option controls notifications to all staff roles - teachers, staff and administrators.
Send invitations to Parents: This option controls notifications to all parent roles
Send invitations to Students: This option controls notifications to all students who have email or phone number associated with the account.
Note: If you are in the pre-launch phase, please unselect this option so that you can complete the import and validate the sync. From the Manage screens, you can choose “Reinvite” option when you are ready to send invitations.
Note: If any of these invitations options is ON and the target user has already registered into Bloomz, then they will be automatically added to the new classes/groups. The user will NOT receive a new invitation.
However, if the user was not already registered into Bloomz by setting up their password or using SSO option, then it will send an invitation to both email and Text.
You will see “Sync in progress” text on the Button. It remains until Sync gets complete.
After successful completion of sync, please click on “Save” to dismiss the page
You will receive a clever import status email with details
You can check the import status by click on “Last Import Status” option in the School > Settings > Bulk Import > Clever Import section.
After Clever Import is Successful, you can see all the imported classes in the Class/Groups section.
School > Manage > Classes/Groups section.
Imported members in School > Manage > “Parents” Tab
Clever Imported Students in School > Manage > Students tab.
Clever Imported Staff in School > Manage > Staff tab.
Clever Import - Autosync for Administrators
Bloomz is excited to announce that there is now an option for Bloomz for Schools users to schedule daily autosyncs with Clever data. This will allow the rosters and contact information in Bloomz to stay up-to-date as students and contacts change with school information.
NOTE: Contact your Bloomz representative or [email protected] to enable this setting if you do not see it. This is only available for Bloomz for Schools users.
You will need to make sure to complete the first initial sync with Clever before enabling this autosync. View this article for more information: Clever School Integration - A Guide for School Admin
Click into your community on the left navigation menu. Click the Settings tool icon at the top center of the screen.
Click Edit Settings.
Click the Bulk Data Import tab.
Click the drop down arrow next to Clever Import.
Toggle the Scheduled Import from Cleveron or off. Click Done when complete.
NOTE: If the scheduled import from Clever is turned on, this will remove any contact that has been added manually to Bloomz if those updates are not reflected in Clever.